Regular Communication
Our regular communication will begin at 7:30 with a meal preceding at 6:30.
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Our regular communication will begin at 7:30 with a meal preceding at 6:30.
We are hosting a bowling fundraiser at Lodge Lanes in Belleville. Join us for some fun!
Open to all Brothers far and wide! We will be holding our first regular communication of 2022 and the Woodrum year! Join us for a meal starting at 6:30 and all the excitement that comes from our regular communications.
Join the brothers of Saline Lodge to help make the evening special for the dads and daughters of Saline. Brothers are responsible for the coat check before and after the dance. Dress is formal (black suit).
Join the brothers of Saline Lodge to help make the evening special for the dads and daughters of Saline. Brothers are responsible for the coat check before and after the dance. Dress is formal (black suit).
Brothers are invited to join us for our February regular communication. Meal by Junior Warden Woody will begin at 6:45 PM.
Brothers from all lodges are invited to join the Brothers of Saline Lodge #133 in conferring the Fellowcraft Degree to three of our newest Brothers.
Join the brothers of Saline Lodge #133 at the Saline District Library for our Child ID Program in conjunction with Saline Parks and Recreation Department.
All Brothers Welcome!
Saline Lodge #133 will be holding their regular communication, full of fun and excitement. Join us for our regular business to hear more about what we have going on and what we plan to do over the next few months!
Meal, provided by JW Woody, will begin in full earnest at 6:30 PM.
Light refreshments and fun will follow the communication.
Join Ann Arbor Fraternity #262 and members of Saline Lodge #133 for a Child Identification program.
Join the brothers of Saline #133 for a Bowling Fundraiser that will provide funds for the Saline Masonic Community Fund.
Cost for the event is $25 per person and includes 2 games of bowling, shoes, pizza and soft drinks.
Saline Lodge #133, F. & A. M. is sponsoring the annual Saline Recreation Center Daddy Daughter Dance. This event runs both Friday and Saturday night from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. As we do each year, the Brothers of Saline will be running the coat check and listening to the tunes from Prime Tyme Entertainment.
Bring your daughters or come and support the Lodge and assist with keeping the dance a safe and fun environment!
Saline Lodge #133, F. & A. M. is sponsoring the annual Saline Recreation Center Daddy Daughter Dance. This event runs both Friday and Saturday night from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. As we do each year, the Brothers of Saline will be running the coat check and listening to the tunes from Prime Tyme Entertainment.
Bring your daughters or come and support the Lodge and assist with keeping the dance a safe and fun environment!
Our regular communication in February will be held on February 7th at the regular time.
Education schedule to be determined.